Campaign common good!

Together from lack to abundance

X. A Call to All Men of Good Will!

We call upon people of good will to express their active accord to a worldwide supremacy of the Common Good before self-interests by signing the supporters list on our website.

We are grateful for all donations that will enable the Associations inGermany,AustriaandSwitzerlandto intensify their endeavours. And finally we ask wealthy sponsors to place sizeable sums into these accounts that will enable needy people in Southeast Asia, Africa andLatin Americato buy and use efficient energy converters as described above in Section I. Later this fund shall also contribute to the formation of teaching staff who in the context of large international networks shall become active in all areas of this Earth deficient in education.

We also call on all people of good will to found in their countries Associations committed to the Operation Common Good!.

We extend our hands for a fruitful collaboration to all existing organisations committed to the common good, the protection of the environment and the care for the hungry and the sick of this world.

This is the internet address for Operation Common Good! (in German):

This first website will be speedily expanded. Websites in several other languages will soon follow.

Michael George, Austria

June 2012

E-Mail: Michael George


COMMON GOOD - Appeal (1102 downloads)

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