Aviation in Antiquity
Vimanas and Sabhas

Auf der Münze ist ein Flugsteig zu erkennen, in dessen Mauern ein startbereites Fluggerät steht
If we attempt an overview of the official conception of history, we perceive a panorama of development that corresponds to the plausible model of cultural evolution. According to this, humanity has developed in antiquity over several main epochs. The Stone Age was followed by the Bronze Age that in turn was followed by the Iron Age.
If, however, we look more closely at the evidence of ancient cultures we reach the conclusion that practically turns the development scheme of the official doctrine on its head. For we find flying technology in the Stone Age, gigantic earth satellites in the Bronze Age and an antique perpetuum mobile in the Iron Age that for a long period of time rendered service in Arabia.
In this treatise we want to give an insight into the flying technology of antiquity. This flying technology was after the Flood that in the traditions is also known as Noachian deluge, in the hands of a small elite of rulers who in the traditions of all important cultures of Earth appear as the descendents of a non-human race – under differing names.
Where this non-human race is concerned, their leading representatives called themselves Anunnaki – “Heavenly Beings on Earth”. After the Flood of about 5’000 years ago, the Anunnaki equipped their descendents with Noah alias Uranus spearheading with technologies that may be easily understood as being modern. The flying technology in particular was of key importance here. So let us look for evidence.

Darstellung von Flugkörpern, deren Design sich deutlich von den meist konischen Formen der antiken Flieger abhebt
The Type Diversity of Vimanas
To this end we travel to India in order to search for information in Sanskrit literature that is about 4’000 years old. For very few and mostly inadequately translated Vedic writings ever reached the West up to now.
The Indian scholar Prof. Dr. Dileep Kumar Kanjilal undertook the substantial effort to search in the oldest Sanskrit texts for references to the flying technology of the Anunnaki.
Kanjilal outlined his studies in a manuscript titled Vimana in Ancient India: Aeroplanes or Flying Machines in Ancient India that Erich von Däniken in 1988 published in his book Habe ich mich geirrt? (Did I go wrong?).
Kanjilal names three different types of “flying vehicles”: Rathas, Vimanas and Sabhas. Especially in the Rigveda one often reads of the Rathas as a synonym for “flying chariot”.
In a lecture that von Däniken protocols in his book Reise nach Kiribati (The Stones of Kirbati) Kanjilal gives astonishingly precise details:
“Four main types of these flying Vimanas are described: Rukma, Sundara, Tripura and Sakuna. The Rukma are of a conical form and golden coloured, the Sundara were rather like rockets and shone silvery, the Tripura were three-tiered and the Sakuna were like birds. Of these four main types there are 113 different subcategirisations that often are differ very little.”
The International Academy for Sanskrit Research in Mysore translated in the 1960s a Sanskrit text of the ancient scholar Maharshi Bharadwaya (Erich von Däniken: Zurück zu den Sternen, Back to the Stars):
“(6) An apparatus that moves like a bird with inherent power, whether on earth, in water or in the air is called Vimana (8) that is able to move in heaven, from place to place (9) land to land, world to world. (11) To know the secret of building flying apparatusses (12) that will not break, cannot be cleaved, cannot catch fire (13) and cannot be destroyed. (14) The secret to arrest flying apparatusses. (15) The secret to make flying apparatusses invisible. (16) To eavesdrop of the secret, sounds and conversations in enemy flying apparatuses. (17) The secret to take images of the inside of enemy flying apparatusses. (18) The secret to learn the direction of flight of enemy flying apparatusses. (19) The secret to render beings in enemy flying apparatusses unconscious and to destroy enemy apparatusses.”

Darstellung von konischen Fliegern auf Startrampen (links) und modern anmutenden Flugzeugen (rechts) in der Luft
The Ratha of the divine twins Asvinas had a triangular form. “At least three persons were needed to operate it. The vehicle had three wheels that during flight were retracted.”
The Rathas were normally made of gold, silver or iron, and they were “driven with liquids that today may no longer be correctly translated. The words ‘madhu’ and ‘anna’ most closely correspond to ‘honey’ and ‘liquid’”.
When a Ratha “descended from the clouds, a great mass of people congregated on the ground to witness the landing.”
The generic term usually applied to aircraft is “Vimana”. In the Mahabharata alone there are according to Kanjilal 41 text passages that mention Vimanas. Here some examples where the adventures of the hero Arjuna are described:
“As he vanished from the view of the mortals, high up in the sky, he discerned thousands of strange aircraft.”
“He entered the divine favourite palace of Indra and saw thousands of flying vehicles for the Gods, some only parked, some in motion.”
“The groups of Maruts came in divine aircraft, and Matali, after he had thus spoken, took me (Arjuna) with him into his flying vehicle and showed me the other aircraft.”
“The great Master handed him a self-propelling aircraft.”
Here follow some quotes from the heroic epos Ramayana:
“Together with Kara he entered the flying vehicle that was adorned with jewels and demonic faces. It moved with noise that seemed like the thunder from the clouds.”
“This is an excellent aircraft that is called Puspaka and shines like the sun.”
“The flying object that was adorned with a swan lifted up in the air with a loud roar.”
From the Ramayana we also may glean details about the interior of the Vimanas:
“The heavenly vehicles contained several chambers and small windows bedecked with pearls. Inside there were comfortable, richly decorated rooms. The lower levels” – here we talk of a Tripura, one of the huge three-tiered Vimana – “was adorned with crystals and the whole interior was covered with flooring and carpets.”
Some Vimanas described in the Ramayana, says Kanjilal, “could transport twelve persons. They started in the morning in Lanka (Ceylon) and reached Ayodhaya in the afternoon, after two intermediate landings in Kiskindhya and Vasisthasrama. Thus the vehicles negotiated a distance of about 2’880 kilometres in nine hours.”
This corresponds to an average travel speed of 320 km/h.

Inmitten einer Jagdszene ein Flugzeug am Himmel mit Feuerschweif. Im unteren Abschnitt ist deutlich der Trelleborg-Quadrant zu sehen – das Symbol der weltumspannenden Flugroute
In the Vishnu-Purana we read the following passage:
“While Kalki still speaks, two vehicles radiating like the sun, made from all kinds of precious stones and moving under their own power arrive from heaven, shielded with radiating weapons.”
Even the Vimana of Indra is mentioned. It is marked by special qualities. Kanjilal cites the ancient author Kalidasa:
“When King Dusyanta alighted from the aircraft of Indra, he noticed to his astonishment that the wheels of the aircraft did not stir up any dust nor make any sound despite the fact that they were rotating. Astounded he registered that the wheels did not touch the ground. Matali explained that this was due to the superior quality of the aircraft of Indra.”
Aircraft Did Not Only Abound in India
Also in the land of origin of all flying technology, in the land of the guardians, the heaven was abuzz with flying machines of the Anunnaki overlords. In a cuneiform text from Ur it says:
“Father Nannar, lord of Ur, whose glory ids the heavenly boat … When you descend in the heavenly boat, you are magnificent! Enlil had adorned your hand with an eternal sceptre when you hovered in the holy boat over Ur.”
Gudea of Lagash (2140-24 BC) on a stone document talks of Ninurta’s “divine bird” that during hostilities shot off “lightening bolts towards the high walls”. Gudea had erected for Ninurta a munadaturtur – a “strong stone resting place of the Mu”.
To one of her Assyrian kings Irnini predicted:
“From a golden chamber in heaven I will watch over you!”
In a hymn dedicated to Irnini it says:
“Mistress of heaven, she dons her heavenly vestment, boldly ascends to heaven. Over all populated lands she flies in her Mu. Mistress, you happily ascend in your Mu to the heavenly heights. Over all the resting places she flies in her Mu.”
The “winged dragons” of ancient China on closer inspection of the sources emerge as fei-chi: “flying chariots”. We have to thank the Austrian historian Peter Krassa (“… und kamen in fliegenden Wagen” – “… and came in flying chariots”) for many translations of old Chinese texts.
A Taoist manuscript tells of the chen-yen, the “perfect humans”:
“They flew through the clouds, were able to visit many worlds and lived among the stars.”
In a text written around 1800 BC it says about the chi-kung:
“The chi-kung are an artful people. They know many things that remain hidden to other peoples. On huge chariots they hasten fast as the wind through the heavens.”
Even King Salomon disposed of aircraft. We read about Solomon’s “air trips” in the Kebra Negest, the Bible of the Ethiopian Copts:
“This is the third day since the Ethiopian son of the King moved away, and when they had loaded their chariot, it did not go along the earth, but floated in the chariot on the wind. They were faster than the eagle in the sky, and all their equipment came with them in their chariot … The king and all flew on the chariot without illnesses and afflictions, without hunger and thirst, without sweat and fatigue, by negotiating in one day the distance of three months.”

Darstellung mehrerer konischer Flugobjekte auf Startrampen
Space Cities in the Indian Vedas …
Let us now return to India. Next to the Gods “selected humans like ruling families or military leaders” could also fly in the Vimanas.
According to the Mahabharata humans moved “in heaven with aircraft decorated with swans and as comfortable as palaces”.
In an Indian text, quoted by Berthold Laufer (“Prähistorische Luftfahrt” – Prehistoric Aviation) we read:
“So King Rumanvat with the harem staff, his wives, his dignitaries and a group from every section of the city boarded the heavenly chariots. They reached the expanse of the firmament and followed the way of the winds. The heavenly chariot flew around the world over the oceans and then was steered in the direction of the town of Avantis.”
The best-known engineers of Vimanas were Brahma, Maya and Visvakarma. The flying technology was “a well-kept secret”: “The Gods themselves imposed on their human students the obligation not to divulge the secrets of the flying apparatusses to ignorant persons. All misuse of this ancient knowledge was forbidden under the threat of terrifying punishments.”
Humans were only in exceptional cases introduced to the secrets. Like the brothers Pranadhara and Paiyadhara, who with the help of Maya built a Vimana that was able to travel for 3’200 kilometres without stopping.
Where pilot training is concerned, we read in the Bodananda commentary of the Vaimanika-Sastra:
“Only a man who knows all the secrets of the Vimanas is authorised to be a pilot”; he must “learn all thirty-two types of secrets of the Vimanas”.
Some pilots were employed in scheduled air service: “Certain flying apparatusses started and landed following a fixed schedule: three times per day and three times a night.”
The most astonishing constructions, however, were the Sabhas – those “heavenly abodes” that the leading Æsir also visited. In the Sabhaparvan, a part of the Mahabharata, Maya, the chief architect of the Asuras, is mentioned as the engineer of “gigantic space cities” that carried the tongue-twisting name of Gaganacarasabhas.
For Yudisthira, the “oldest of the Pandavas”, Maya built “a heavenly congregation hall from gold, silver and other metals”, who “was brought to the heaven manned with eight thousand (!) workers. When Yudisthira asked the sage Narada whether at any time before such a wonderful hall had ever been constructed, Narada said that there were similar heaven halls for any of the Gods Indra, Yama, Varuna, Kuvera and Brahma”.
The Samaranganasutradhar reports that “in hoary times” Brahma had created five heavenly cities for the Gods Brahma, Shiva, Kuvera, Yama and Indra. Each of those orbital stations that, as mentioned in the Sabhaparvan, rotated around their own axis, carried a proper name: Vairaya, Kailasa, Puspaka, Manika and Tribistapa.

Konischer Flugkörper über unterirdischer Startanlage
Yama’s “space city” was “surrounded by a white wall”, that “sparkled radiantly”.
In the Vanaparvan, too, we may read that the Gods lived “in extraordinarily huge and comfortable cities outside of the Earth”. The old text says of such a city that it had been “radiant, very beautiful and full of houses” and it had harboured “trees and waterfalls”.
And in the Sabhaparvan is added that the luxury satellites “shone like silver in the heaven”. They “contained nourishment, drinks, water, all amenities of life as well as terrible weapons and ammunition”.
In the Sulavamsa an immense heavenly city is mentioned that was filled “with hundreds of air chariots from gold, jewels and pearls”.
The space city of Kuvera had according to Sabhaparvan the unbelievable measurements of converted “550 by 800 kilometres, hung freely in the air and was filled with buildings shining golden”.
The Sanskrit professor points to an important aspect: In the “Samaranganasutradhar the fundamental principle for erecting palaces is formulated that is of a decisive import for Indian temples. For the view is categorically adhere to that temples and palaces had been built as architectural copies of heavenly flying chariots. In several oeuvres, for instance in the Manasara from the seventh post-Christian century, this ancient tradition is confirmed. Palaces and temples in their layout and superstructures corresponded to the old flying apparatusses.”
This remarkable reference shows us that the Hermetic Principle “As above, so below” had also been employed in India.

Steinmodell eines flügellosen Jägers mit schwenkbaren Düsenantrieben
The descriptions of the heavenly palaces that the Nordic Edda calls “Heavenly Abode” or “Halls of Heaven”, have – says Kanjilal – “since ever been a firm ingredient of old Indian epics the authenticity of which cannot be doubted … Only the knowledge of modern technology allowed a sensible interpretation.”
This is also true for weapons technology. The fire that the Gods – according to the Chronicle of Akakor – had complementary to the Flood deployed against the human cultures and that flashed “brighter than a thousand suns” has its correspondence in the weapons that had been used in the battle of Kurukshetra.
“In the Mahabharata gigantic destructions are described”, says Kanjilal, “evoked by the mighty weapons of the Gods”. The monstrousness of this devastation “may only be compared with today’s nuclear wars”.
and in the Nordic Edda

Metallmodell eines modern anmutenden Flugzeugs mit Höhen- und Seitenruder aus der Zeit der Maya
After this excursion into the world of ancient Indian Sanskrit it is now time to look at the striking concordances between the Sabhas of the Adjiti and the Heavenly Abodes of the Northern European Æsir (see: “Hyperborea – the Land of the Æsir”).
We have found that the Nordic Odin is equally identical with the Indian Varuna as is Baldr-Zeus with the hero Indra, and so we may deduce that the Sabha of Varuna in the North carried the name of Walaskjalf and the Sabha of Indra had the Nordic name Breidablik (Breitglanz – wide shine).
In both cultures that were thousands of kilometres apart five heavenly cities were congruently known in which the leading post Flood sons of Elion Hypsistos alias Re resided when they were not living on Earth.
The Indian Sanskrit literature confirms the Nordic Edda to a most astonishing degree.

Fliegender Wagen der Chi-Kung (ca. 800 v.Chr.)
Actually the importance of the Hyperborean land becomes discernible through the mutual confirmation of the Edda and the Veda accounts in their completeness. For Hyperborea appears, through the evidence here presented, not only a seat of the Gods – Hyperborea, the land of the Æsir, rather proves to have been the earthly main residence of the leading “Gods” Cronus and Zeus. It was them who as “guardians of the Beam of Heaven” must have had an elementary interest in safeguarding the preservation of the “fiery bridge” Bifröst.
For only an unimpeded service and a faultless maintenance of Bifröst enabled their Vimanas to build up, via the “Tesla lane”, coming from Egypt or Greece, enough speed in order to reach, beyond Bifröst and skywards, through the narrow magnetic field corridor, reach the orbit and one of the rotating luxury satellites.
But whether Bifröst, the gigantic residential satellites or the Vimanas of the ruling elite – they all fell victim of an immense and comprehensive campaign of destruction that Re – the father of Noah – triggered around 1220 BC. For the Noites spearheaded by the despotic ruler Zeus offered Re all cause for mistrust and dire foreboding.
We will learn more about the terrible end of the rule of the Noites in the text “Sekhmet and the Ashes of an Era”.

Zwei Jäger zu Fuß mit Blasrohren, zwei Jäger in Fluggeräten mit Gewehren
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